Our new brooders have been a great tool this season! Inspired by successful systems we have seen in other collections, we built these brooders to better suit the needs of our more sensitive species, such as sea ducks, Pygmy geese, pink-eared ducks, and others. These open air brooders have both a covered and “open” option, where smaller ducklings can be started in the covered portion until old enough to graduate to access the larger and deeper open tank. The two areas are divided by a guillotine door system, which remains closed for the first several days until acclimated, and then is opened to allow access to the open tank and to feed in the covered area. It makes cleaning less stressful, allowing for isolation on one side or the other as needed. Fresh running water is constantly provided, as well as supplemental heat and blowing air via high powered fans when needed. Small loafing shelves are secured in the open tanks. Currently, they are housing Steller’s eiders, African and Cotton Pygmy geese, and pink-eared ducks, which are all doing great.